Monday, July 12, 2010

Need to vent.....

So about a week or two ago i had an interview at my job for a higher position. Honestly i was not really sure i really wanted to job. I was torn and had really iffy feelings about the whole thing. But i did it anyway. It was not the best interview i ever had, but i thought it was pretty good. There were two of us internaly that were going for this job. And then they interviewed like 7 people outside of the company. Anyway, on Friday i came back from lunch and found that my co-worker was in his second interview. A friend of mine came up to me and said that he was in the top three and that this was his second interview. I said what a good way for me to find out i am not in the running any longer.

I was so pissed. I am not pissed that i am not in the running any more. I am mad and upset that i have been with this company for almost 5 years and they did not have the respect to come to me before hand and say, Michelle I am sorry however, we have decided to go a different route. No that would be way too easy for them. No one has said anything to me as of yet. I am really upset by this. I am trying to be the bigger person and act like i could careless, but its hard.

Anyway, i needed to vent and get it out. Everything happens for a reason right. Something better with come along for me and it will be better for me and Kassandra. I just could really use the help right now. I keep praying that Heavenly Father will finally answer my prayer and give us what we need. But maybe i am not ready. I dont know what else to do to be ready?? Any suggestions?


  1. Michelle,
    We are in the same boat and keep trying and praying! All I know is that Heavenly Father keeps His promises if we keep ours. It's so hard to be patient and to not lose faith. Sometimes we need to "let go and let God" but it sure isn't easy!!!
    Keep going!
    We love you. Will send extra prayers your way!

  2. Hey Sweetie!! Hang in there!! You know that God will only open doors that are meant for YOU!! Don't get discouraged!! I'm thinking of you and praying for you!! I Love you tons!! :)


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The Alger Family

The Alger Family
Grandma Debbie, Kassandra, Me, Uncle Charley, Katelyn, Nicolette, Uncle Jake, Jordynn, Alex, Uncle DJ